Monday, May 22, 2006

The New York Times review

"'NEVER MIND THE BOLLOCKS: HERE'S AMANDA LEAR' Muse, film actress, professional Somebody, Amanda Lear is also a painter, as her oil portraits of Francis Bacon, Salvador Dali and Leonardo da Vinci attest. But the point of the show is to pay homage to Ms. Lear herself, and some interesting artists: Scott Hug, Kanishka Raja, Ryan Steadman and James. J. Williams III, with paintings; Michelle Lopez and Anna Sew Hoy, with small sculptures; and ¡ª best ¡ª Christoph Broich with a large work of latex and lace titled "The Girl Who Sold Her Soul to the Devil and Won." Envoy, 535 West 22nd Street, sixth floor, (212) 242-7524, through June 3. (Cotter)"

The New York Times, May 19, 2006

work of Christoph Broich

The piece is entitled “The Girl Who Sold Her Soul To The Devil And Won” (the story of Amanda Lear's album "Sweet Revenge"). The bollocks are replaced by men's heads because the male brain is controlled by the balls. The newly arisen girl is not programmed anymore by sexual manipulation. The caterpillar sheds the old life and metamorphoses into a butterfly. The butterfly, no longer enchained to earth as before, gains total freedom... The world is now her oyster!


Amanda Lear's work

other artists work

Kanishka Raja
Lisa Beck
Gina Magid

Michelle Lopez

Ryan Steadman

Scott Hug

Anna Sew Hoy

James William III

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Girl Who Sold Her Soul to the Devil And Won

contribution of Christoph Broich to "Never Mind the Bollocks - Here's Amanda Lear"


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Amanda Lear and Christoph Broich

Envoy, private opening april 22nd

americas next top model

Michael Lucas, Amanda Lear (in front of her works), Jimi Dams, work of Christoph Broich in front

...taking pictures for artnet

Christoph Broich, John Waters, Pablo Picasso

James William III in front of his work

Amanda Lear in the aureole of Lisa Beck

Amanda Lear and John Waters

Amanda Lear in front of her work

Amanda Lear and Christoph Broich (in front of his work)

Christoph Broich, GQ editor in chief , Jimi Dams

Envoy opening april 21st

public opening

Christoph Broich, Thomas Engels, Sam Gordon, Jimi Dams

Ryan Steadman, his work in the background

Lisa Beck (middle), behind work of Michelle Lopez

work of Christoph Broich

Monday, May 01, 2006


NEVER MIND THE BOLLOCKS: HERE’S AMANDA LEAR serves as the vehicle for an exhibition which consists of paintings by Amanda Lear and the work of nine contemporary artists.

This international and multidisciplinary exhibition in which the artists are actively involved, reintroduces the childlike games and spirit of the Dada and Surrealist movement by using a popular motive which acts as a playful interrogation of Amanda Lear. Conceptual confusion, symbolic representation and ordered geometry are all part of an ingenuous fragmentation united by nine contemporary artists.

Drawing heavily on what has been written about Amanda Lear, as well as on the images that have been spread worldwide, Amanda Lear served as the wellspring of the imagination and the home of inspiration for the artists.
Continued thought processes and investigations on the subject became a means of reuniting conscious and unconscious realms of experience so completely, that the world of dream and fantasy has been joined to the everyday rational world in an absolute reality, a punk surreality.

Amanda Lear, Lisa Beck, Christoph Broich, Scott Hug, Michelle Lopez, Gina Magid, Kanishka Raja, Anna Sew Hoy, Ryan Steadman, James J. Wiliams III

ENVOY535 W22nd Street 6th FlNew York, NY 10011t 212.242.7524