Friday, December 10, 2010

Torino - Anversa, andata e ritorno

twee tentoonstellingen inTurijn en Antwerpen
geselcteerde werken in het kader van projecten in de huidige en toekomstige European Youth Capitals
Terre di immigrati ed emigranti/Lands of immigrants and emigrants(“Migratiegebieden”)

Red Fish Factory, Helmstraat 139 - Antwerpen

17 tot 21 december 2010
Opening donderdag 16 december om 18.00 uur

Arteco organiseert in samenwerking met Coalface, Arti-Mista, Fondazione 107 en Red Fish Factory ee
n uitwisselingsproject voor jonge en beloftevolle kunstenaars. Turijn en Antwerpen (en bij uitbreiding de Limburgse Mijnstreek, Coalface) zijn kenmerkend voor hun migratiegeschiedenis. Het zijn kleurrijke regio's waar allochtonen en autochtonen samen zoeken naar een eigen identiteit temidden van een specifieke realiteit.
Dit project wil enerzijds een blik werpen op deze migratiegebieden en op de identiteit van migranten. Anderzijds wil het project waarde toekennen aan de innovatieve rol van de kunstenaar en wil het jonge kunstenaars een kans geven om in dialoog te gaan met anderen. Een workshop in Turijn en één in Antwerpen zal dit aspect van ontmoeting en van samen creëren benadrukken.
26 kunstenaars werden via een wedstrijd geselecteerd. Deze kunstenaars hebben allen een diverse culturele achtergrond en zijn actief in verschillende kunsttakken: fotografie, schilderkunst, muziek, dans, fashion design, installatie, performance, etc. Dit resulteert in twee tentoonstellingen met als titel ‘Terre di immigrati ed emigranti/Lands of immigrants and emigrants' (‘Migratiegebieden'). De eerste expo gaat door in de huidige
jongerenhoofdstad, nl Turijn, en de tweede tentoonstelling vindt plaats in Antwerpen, de Europese jongerenhoofdstad in 2011.

Deelnemende kunstenaars:
Derya Akgüre, Francesca Arri, auroraMeccanica, Cornelia Badelita, Giorgio Bevilacqua, Line Boogaerts, Nicolas Buissart, Simona Castaldo, Michela Depetris, Cameron Foden, Alessandra Giannandrea, Cecio Grano, Thomas Grodal, L'Artimista, Gitte Le Bruyn, Daniele Mana, Ludo Moris, Line Oshin, Beatrice Piva, Yael Plat, Mikes Poppe, Fausto
Sanmartino, Sassi, Caroline Van den Eynden, Joris Vanpoucke.

Expo in Antwerpen:
Red Fish Factory
Helmstraat 139
2140 Antwerpen (Borgerhout)
Tentoonstelling: 17 > 21 december 2010
Openingsavond: 16 december – 18u00 (met performances en muziek)
16/12 donderdag vanaf 18.00 uur
vrijdag 14.00 tot 19.00 uur

zaterdag 11.00 tot 18.00 uur
19/12 zondag 11.00 tot 18.00 uur
20/12 maandag 14.00 tot 19.00 uur
21/12 dinsdag 14.00 tot 19.00 uur

Project realized in the course of “Gioventù Esplosiva” with the support of:

Vedett , Contemporary Art Torino Piemonte, Torino 2010 European Youth Capital, Citta di Torino, Ministero della Gioventu, Regione Piemonte
T-A-Retro copia.jpg

Thursday, December 09, 2010

L'Artimista @ Red Fish Factory

Turijn - Antwerpen, heen en terug

Thursday 16/12 during the opening of Torino Anversa, andata e ritorno start: 18h00
free entrance

the cultural association L’artiMiSta has been teaching ballet, modern dance and contact improvisation since 2001. at the same time it is working as a professional ballet company and they also work with Fabio Viana, ambra Senatore and the dancers: Martina guidi, Chiara Marchi e Paola Carbone. recently dancer Florian Lasne, singer rossella Cangini and elena Pignata (ombra di foglia) joined the company.
They won the choreographic contest “Mantovadanza” in 2008 and the “Concorso internazionale di Pinerolo” for emerging talents in 2007 and 2008. in 2008 regione Piemonte, Lazio e Campania sponsored the company for the project “spaziperladanzacontemporanea” and, in the same year, it took part in the avignone off competition. they collaborated in 2007 with “Project rettilario” directed by Paolo Mohovich. By now the choreographer daniela Paci is teaching at Bella hutter’s in torino, at “institut de danse classique” in aosta and at “officina della danza”. She showed her projects at Pretendanse Festival organised by Corinne Lanselle in Paris, at encore Festival in Montreal and interplay Festival in torino, organised by natalia Casorati. She took part in many projects in europe, and she won many solo contests in France.
in 2008 the company joined the project “dimore coreografiche” with “mappazerosette”, that has been presented at teatro garibaldi in Settimo torinese with “Menzogne della notte” and raffaele irace during the oltremo(n)do night. “Menzogne della notte” has been also presented in Moncalieri in March 2010. the company has been invited to Mantovadanza 2009 and 2010 and interferenze di taranto 2010.

in the project “torino-anversa: andata e ritorno” they will perform with three musicians: Cecio grano, giorgio Bevilacqua and daniele Mana.

Project realized in the course of “Gioventù Esplosiva” with the support of:

District BorgerhoutA - DISTRICT BORGERHOUT sponsorlogo s.jpg

Vedett , Contemporary Art Torino Piemonte, Torino 2010 European Youth Capital, Citta di Torino,

Thomas Grødal @ Torino Anversa, andata e ritorno

Thomas Grødal
Arendal, Norway, 1978
MA schilderkunst, Koninklijke Academie voor schone Kunsten Antwerpen
Freelance illustrator and graphic designer
Lives and works in Antwerpen, Belgium

Union, 2010

antartik project, antwerpen
Cooporation project, objectiv exhibitions, antwerpen
antartik project, antwerpen
eremite-one year on a mountain, isolation project, Sjusjøen, norway
Study trip to San-Francisco
Freelance illustrator and graphic designer
hundre fra sørlandet, Bomuldsfabriken kunsthall, arendal
Study trip to Sydney

Cameron Foden @ Torino Anversa, andata e ritorno

Cameron Foden
Cape Town, South Africa, 1985
University of Cape Town
royal Academy of Fashion in Antwerp
Lives and works in Antwerpen, Belgium

Tetrapods, 2010

Whatiftheworld gallery the Samson Syndrome – Solo exhibition
Whatiftheworld gallery Where to From here – group exhibition
adidas & Capsule Creative tomorrow’s Society
Whatiftheworld number 2’ Fashion Showcase
Woolworths (Sa) dandy Savant design Collaboration 2007-2008
Whatiftheworld number 1 Fashion Showcase

Michela Depetris @ Turijn - Antwerpen, heen en terug

Michela Depetris
Cuneo, Italy, 1984
Lives and works in Torino, Italy

About to (work-in-progress), 2010

tempi precari-in sede, torino, curated by Francesco Poli
Platform Young Performance artists 2010 – Futgraben, 3, Berlin, curated by Janine eisenächer
Studio per PeoPLe air and deSire, galleria off Limits, Madrid, curated by Josè antonio Sanchez and Cuqui Jerez
Ciclo de arte de accion, Centro de arte octubre, Valencia, curated by Simberifora
Masuno en escena, espacio Vacio, galleria Menosuno, Madrid, curated by italo Panfichi
in difesa – in azione, Fondazione 107, torino, curated by Federico Piccari
Jeune Création européenne, Biennale itinerante di giovani artisti, Montrouge
(France), Klaipedia (Lithuania), Bratislava (Slovakia) – curated by andrea Ponsini, Sophie gazagne dalalande, Sandra Solimano
arte PLuraLe, Promotrice delle Belle arti, torino, curated by tea taramino
Performance Behandlungsraum,Frideritianum Museum, Kassel
Cuerpos, Festival de la Performance Joven, LaB, Murcia, curated by Bartolomè Ferrando
nuovi arrivi, accademia albertina delle Belle arti, torino, curated by Maria teresa roberto
ada, Festival europeu em acçao, Prç. Batalha, oporto, curated by Maria João Flôxo
LaBoratorio torino, Fusion gallery, torino, curated by edoardo di Mauro
incubarte. Festival de artes performativas, galeria La nau, Valencia, curated by anais taveau
FMLe, Valencia, curated by Simberifora
MueStra de VaLetudo artiStiCo, galleria Sala naranja, Valencia, curated by david Pascual huertas
eBent 06. Festival di arti performative, espai Jove Boca nord, Barcelona, curated by Carlos Piña and Marta Pol rigau
ParatiSSiMa, torino

Simona Castaldo @ Turijn - Antwerpen, heen en terug

Simona Castaldo
Napoli, Italy, 1984
Lives and works in Torino, Italy

Radici, 2010

Vi(t)a Crucis, galleria Spazio Fisico, Modena
Simona Castaldo. Stanza dentro, Pasticceriadarte, torino
europa, arte e Linguaggi, galleria rudh, Cascina grande, rozzano (Mi), 2008
“Pasticceria d’arte”, torino 2008
“Super-fly”, napoli, 2007
Simona Castaldo. Fight, “Mani design”, napoli, 2007
Simona Castaldo, ”kest’è”, Largo San giovanni Maggiore, Pignatelli, napoli, 2006
instanze, collaboration with rossella ogliarulo, “agartha”, napoli
harten gallery, torre del greco (na), 2005
La Legalità, San Lorenzo, napoli
Stabiaearte, 2002

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Nicolas Buissaert @ Torino Anversa, andata e ritorno

Nicolas Buissart
Charleroi, Belgium, 1979
Lives and works in Charleroi, Belgium

Cata-roms, 2010

Zinneke, Bruxelles
projet antartik installation à l’université d’antwerpen
Vecteur, Charleroi académie de Châtelet
tissus Flagey pour Word Magazine, ixelles
scénographie de l’exposition annuelle de l’académie des Beaux-arts de Châtelet
Musée de la Loge, ixelles
amusée-Vous, Leuven and tournai
iSeLP, nuit Blanche, Bruxelles
SaFariS urBainS, Charleroi
Maison du hainaut, Charleroi
Festival amar et hôtes, tamines
Festival esperanzah!

live performance by Line Boogaerts @ Red Fish Factory

Line Boogaerts
Leuven, Belgium, 1986
Lives and works in Gent, Belgium

At home, 2010

SMaK, gent
Bijloke, KaSK, gent
“error #16 Monument”, organised by error one, Middelheim antwerp results of this project shown at Courtisanefestival Without a trace (erase/delete)
Paintings on the window of the cultural center de Werf, aalst
Project in the wintergarden at academie voor Schone Kunsten, antwerpen
Cooperation with Sam Kroes, for her final exhibition at academie voor Schone Kunsten, antwerpen
Campo Victoria
results of this project shown at Courtisanefestival Without a trace (erase/delete)
Mayday (de samenscholing (Kask + rits + Campo)
Paintings on the windows of the hall at Vooruit, gent
Final exhibition 3e bach ( in an empty store (=de webwinkel)
Poster for the film festival “the one minutes”

Cornelia Badelita @ Turijn Antwerpen, heen en terug

Cornelia Badelita
Radauti, Romania, 1982
Lives and works in Torino, Italy

Chimere, 2010

guardiani del tempo, gemine Muse, Museo d'arte orientale Mao, torino, curated by Maria teresa roberto
Chiave di Viola, artintown, torino, curated by Maria teresa roberto
2009 me up, nuovi arrivi/Proposte, accademia albertina delle Belle arti di torino, curated by Maria teresa roberto. Premio acquisto Fondazione Crt.
Scogliere, accademia albertina delle Belle arti di torino, curated by radu dragomirescu, Franco Fanelli, gianfraco rizzi
tra un secolo e l'altro, officina delle arti, reggio emilia, curated by edoardo di Mauro.
Cornelia Badelita, Candida Ferrari, Fusion art gallery, torino, curated by edoardo di Mauro
riscritto, galleria Porta Palatina 13, torino, curated by Franco Fanelli in Sede - Viva il disegno, Città di torino - divisione Servizi Culturali, Settore arti Visive, curated by Francesco Poli
Segni a matita, azimut, torino, curated by olga gambari
Zooart, giardini Fresia, Cuneo
Laboratorio torino, Fusion art gallery, torino, curated by edoardo di Mauro
Paratissima, ex Carceri Le nuove,torino
Segni 20x20, Cavallerizza reale, torino, curated by delia gianti
iV Premio internazionale biennale d'incisione Loffredo, Kollwitz,
Museo di arte contemporanea e del novecento, Monsummano terme (Pt)
First Croatian Biennal of illustration, Zagabria (Croazia)
7ème triennale mondiale de l'estampe et de la gravure originale, galerie d'art Contemporain, Chamalières (Francia)
Small graphic Forms, triennale, Lodz (Polonia)

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

special thanks to district Borgerhout

thanks to all supporters and sponsors of Torino - Anversa, andata e ritorno

Project realized in the course of “Gioventù Esplosiva” with the support of:

District BorgerhoutA - DISTRICT BORGERHOUT sponsorlogo s.jpg

Vedett , Contemporary Art Torino Piemonte, Torino 2010 European Youth Capital, Citta di Torino

Francesca Arri @Turijn - Antwerpen, heen en terug

Francesca Arri
Asti (Italy), 1983
Accademia Albertina delle Belle Arti di Torino
Lives and works in Torino
Capriccio 3010, 2010

Mettiti in gioco, Plinto Pluralità, torino, curated by giorgina Bertolino and Francesco Stassi
Versus XVi, galleria Velan Centro per l’arte Contemporanea, torino, curated by alessandro trabucco
Block Party, auditorium Santa Chiara, Vercelli, curated by Chiara Massini invasioni e terapie, Palazzo Fogazzaro, Schio (Vi), curated by anna Zerbaro Pezzin
hungry for love, Museo d’ arte Moderna Vittoria Colonna, Pescara, curated by antonio Zimarino
VaP2, Museo Villa Paolina Bonaparte, Viareggio, curated by Maurizio Marco tozzi and nicola dominaci
i LoVe MY CitY, Student Performing Festival, Palaisozaki, torino
Movimentazion. iintercultura della giovane arte, Palazzo ducale, genova, curated by Martina Starnini
intermedia, selezione di altri media d’artista, Fondazione “o”, Milano, curated by giorgio Maffei
Scogliere, accademia albertina, torino, curated by radu dragomirescu, Franco Fanelli, gianfranco rizzi.
nuovi arrivi 14 - ghost track, accademia albertina delle Belle arti, torino, curated by Maria teresa roberto.
Scogliere, ex Chiesa di San Carlo dei Barnabiti, Firenze, accademia albertina, torino, curated by radu dragomirescu, Luca Piffero, gianfranco rizzi.

Derya Akgüre @ Torino Anversa, andata e ritorno

Diest (Belgium), 1986
PHL, Hasselt
Lives and works in Beringen (Belgium)

From Black to White, 2010

Master in de beeldende kunsten afstudeerrichting grafisch ontwerp, PhL, hasselt
Bachlor in de beeldende kunsten afstudeerrichting grafisch ontwerp
Vlaams iCt-attest, Sinte-Lutgartinstituut, Beringen
deelcertificaat van de module Frans threshold 1 th.1a – th.1B, LBC, Beringen
diploma secundair onderwijs: BSo Kantooradministratie en gegevensbeheer, Sinte-Lutgartinstituut, Beringen
getuigschrift over de basiskennis van het bedrijfssbeheer, Sinte-Lutgartinstituut, Beringen
attest van een eenheid in het modulair onderwijs voor sociale promotie
(Web animaties, dtP en multimedia), CVo, heusden-Zolder